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村山 Tsun Shan,源於花蓮,座落於台灣的後山,介太平洋與中央山脈之間、水村山郭之處。尋古法嚴謹的低溫冷製工序,秉持著樸實、純粹、自然之精神,堅持出品窮漢方之極致的保養品,致力追求保養醫學文化中的智慧結晶。物理學博士和生科背景的創辦團隊,秉持著在傳統中創新的職人精神,融合千百年來的古法配方與現代科學的嚴謹測試,方能確保品質上的精準與安全上的無虞。
Tsun Shan - Originating from Hualien, Tsun Shan is nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Central Mountain Range of Taiwan. In the picturesque setting of water-surrounded mountain villages, we uphold the traditional, rigorous process of low-temperature cold manufacturing, embodying simplicity, purity, and the spirit of nature. We are committed to producing the ultimate in traditional Chinese medicine-based skincare products, striving for the wisdom encapsulated in the culture of skincare medicine. Founded by a team with backgrounds in physics and life sciences, we adhere to an innovative spirit rooted in tradition, combining ancient formulas with modern scientific testing to ensure precision in quality and safety.
" Tsun (Village) " signifies a place where people gather, and " Shan (Mountain)" symbolizes the nurturing of all things. The essence of "Tsun Shan" is to bring the concept of natural skincare and cleansing into every household, merging the profound wisdom of ancient Chinese and Tibetan medicine with modern scientific methods to achieve a perfect natural balance between old and new, East and West. Tsun Shan is a natural fragrance brand that blends Tibetan aromatherapy with Chinese herbal elements, guiding you into a mysterious realm akin to a paradise of snowy peaks and blossoming peach trees. Each fragrance is meticulously crafted, allowing you to immerse yourself in the beauty and tranquility of nature, wandering through forests and experiencing the healing and peace for your body, mind, and soul. The comforting woody notes are derived from the essence of Tibetan highland medicinal baths; our commitment to safety is ensured by precise modern scientific oversight. Drawing from the vastness of nature, we provide the safest and most natural care for your skin. Enter the world of Tsun Shan's fragrances and let this paradise become your sanctuary, inspiring your love for nature and your quest for purity and tranquility.
村山 - 花蓮から始まった村山は、太平洋と中央山脈に挟まれた台湾の「後山」に位置しています。水村山郭の風景の中、伝統的で厳密な低温冷製工法を守り、質朴、純粋、自然の精神を体現しています。我々は、古代漢方の究極の保養品を提供することに尽力し、保養医学文化の知恵の結晶を追求しています。物理学博士と生命科学の背景を持つ創業チームは、伝統の中で革新する職人精神を堅持し、何世紀にもわたる古法配方と現代科学の厳密なテストを融合させ、品質の正確さと安全性を確保しています。
Inspired by the imagery of the Tibetan treasure vase, which symbolizes the transformation of natural materials into precious elixirs within a jade bottle, this concept represents the essence of our skincare products. The intricate patterns on the bottle incorporate the ancient seal script strokes of the characters "Tsun Shan," achieving a balanced and symmetrical design. This also metaphorically reflects the principles of balance and harmony in traditional Chinese medicine, particularly the concept of "Emperor, Minister, Assistant, and Courier," emphasizing the balanced nature of medicinal properties and the holistic approach to health and wellness.
Traditional Craftsmanship
古法工芸 (こほうこうげい)
To integrate precious natural ingredients into daily life, Tsun Shan adopts the meticulous traditional European cold-process method, strictly maintaining the temperature at around 45°C. This careful control ensures the preservation of plant proteins, vitamins, amino acids, and various nutrients. Each product is infused with Chinese herbal medicine according to traditional formulations. As the handmade soap is crafted using the traditional cold-process method, each batch requires at least sixty days and nights to naturally cure and form. Adhering to time-honored craftsmanship, Tsun Shan believes that only through the refinement of artisan spirit can quality products be achieved. The Tibetan essential oil fragrances, inspired by ancient wellness secrets, incorporate the essence of Tibetan medicinal bath formulations, offering a gentle scent rich in Eastern charm. These fragrances help balance the body and mind, alleviating physical and spiritual discomfort.
Scientific Precision
Tsun Shan pursues rigorous testing because products used on the human body deserve the highest level of scrutiny. As a founder with a PhD in physics and a background in life sciences, the Tsun Shan founder brings extensive research experience to the table. Our workshop is equipped with top-tier research and testing facilities, utilizing the most precise instruments and adhering to the highest standards. We emphasize animal-friendly practices and firmly oppose animal testing. Through the strictest quality control and scientific testing, each batch of our products not only meets national health standards but also complies with cosmetic regulations, ensuring trustworthy quality.
Natural Purity
Simplicity, purity, and nature are the symbols of Tsun Shan's spirit. We meticulously select plant-based oils and 100% pure plant oil formulas, ensuring no animal-derived ingredients are added. This level of purity allows us to pursue the ultimate. Without added fragrances, you can savor the subtle herbal aroma; without colorants, you can see only the natural hues of the earth; without artificial compounds, every detail comes from the forest. Effective results need not come from artificial sources. Natural ingredients can also provide rich lather, gentle cleansing, and easy rinsing, protecting both your skin and the planet. Tsun Shan crafts a toxin-free, pure daily life.